Friday, April 9, 2010

Bombs Away!

So very recently, United States President Barack Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed an agreement to limit each nation's nuclear capability to its lowest point in decades. But is this a good idea? With the Cold War over, the biggest threat of nuclear attack is through terrorist groups such as al-Qaida and rogue nations such as Iran and North Korea. I would have to say that this is a great first step in taking control of the world's nuclear stockpile. Although the agreement does not mention what to do about "loose nukes," which I see as the most immediate threat of nuclear attack, it shows our two nations, as does it show the rest of the world, that nuclear weapons should not be the future. While taking control of "loose nukes" is a priority, the destruction of nukes by the former powers of the Cold War is a great start. We have the opportunity to begin down a road that will lead to the end of nuclear warfare. There will always be a chance of nations and terrorists developing nuclear weapons, but zero chance of acquiring them through corrupt politics if we eliminate the current stockpile of nuclear weapons.
After all, we have the capabilities to build more nuclear weapons if it comes down to a last resort. But setting the example will help lead the world out of the age where the threat of nuclear apocalypse is an ongoing question. Our children should learn of nuclear weapons in history class and not from the evening news.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with my classmate's claim. And I think my absolute favorite line in his post was that "Our children should learn of nuclear weapons in history class and not from the evening news.". We need to end the road of nuclear weapons, it needs to not even be an option anymore. My only problem with this is that it doesn't stop, terrorists from getting their hands on the weapons and possibly using them. If only we could be sure of the fact that EVERYone was slowly decreasing nuclear weapons and that would control the spread of them. But really how much of a zero chance is it of acquiring them through corrupt politics really; my thought to that is if it's corrupt there's no telling what they'll do with their weapons. That would be my only drawback. My classmate makes a very good point though that helps me feel better about it though; he points out the fact that the resources will still be available to us as a last resort.
