Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Race is On!

Well elections are still months away, but the race is going strong. We now know who will represent each party. In the editorial, Editorial: Perry, White must hone messages for November , we are given information on Perry's victory over Hutchinson and what each candidate must do to help them win. The author is targeting voters to help inform them of issues the author thinks is important. So what do they need to do to win? In the article, the author points out how they have run so far and what they need to change. Perry relied heavily on his "Texas good, taxes bad" mentality and spoke little about education, energy and social services. If Perry can lay out a specific plan to help solve these problems, he could gain a lot of support. Even if it is not a strong solution. I agree these are important issues that could help decide the election. White has had ideas that were good for both business and environment. To help him compare himself to Perry, he must build an argument on taxation and then building on environment and business. He is not as experienced as Perry when it comes to tough opponents. He must build a strong coalition to give him a good chance in a Republican state. I agree with the author on the points that must be improved upon by both candidates. It shall be an interesting November.